Education Programs

Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum, ShineSA

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  • Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum, ShineSA

Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC)

The KS:CPC teaches children and young people (age 3 to Year 12) to:

  • understand their right to be safe,
  • recognise abuse,
  • tell a trusted adult when they don’t feel safe,
  • understand what is appropriate and inappropriate touching, and
  • how to keep themselves safe.

The KS:CPC is a Department for Education mandated curriculum that is taught to all students, every year.

Shine SA Relationships and Sexual Health

As a ‘focus school’, all Year 3-12 teaching staff are trained in delivering this curriculum which is absorbed into the Health subject for Year 5-10 students.

The training ensures teachers have the confidence and capacity to facilitate a consistent and comprehensive relationships and sexual health education program in line with Principles of Best Practice.

The program aims for students to develop skills that help them establish respectful, positive relationships and feel comfortable to access services.

A copy of the Shine SA curriculum is available on request.